Welcome to CH 222!

CH 222 Announcements

February 28, 2025

Items Due During Week 9:

Class Presentations are happening this week, and I look forward to seeing your presentations and reading your papers. If you have any questions, check this site or contact me.

Here's what is happening in week 9 of CH 222:

  • This is Class Presentations week!
    • This week you will be giving your Class Presentation and submitting your final Class Presentation paper. The details differ depending on which section you are in, so see below for more information. And remember, the Kinetics I - The Iodination of Acetone lab is due this week as well.
  • Class Presentations for Section 01 and Section H1:
    • The Paper: Details on the requirements for the written paper can be found in the Class Presentations page and in the FAQ.
    • The Presentation: You will be giving a roughly five minute presentation to your class during recitation (Section 01: Monday, March 3 at 1:10 PM in AC 2501; Section H1: Wednesday, March 5 at 1:10 PM in AC 2501.)
    • We will start promptly so make sure you are there on time. A part of your grade includes full attendance on this day, so be there and don't be late, ok?
    • During your presentation you can use the podium Windows computer in AC 2501 for PowerPoint, Google Slides, etc.-type presentations, or you can just 'chalk talk' your presentation (use the chalk board, or visuals, etc.) Any questions? Let me know!
    • A part of your grade in Section 01 and Section H1 will be completing and turning in the "Class Presentation Reviewer Guide." I will provide the guide before the presentations start (or you can bring one yourself, your call).
    • Your Class Presentation paper will be due at the time of your Class Presentation. Print it before class starts; printing after would invoke a point penalty.
    • The "Kinetics I - The Iodination of Acetone (in class)" lab is also due at the time of your Class Presentation.
    • If you have any questions, please let me know!
  • Class Presentations for Section W1:
    • The Paper: Details on the requirements for the written paper can be found in the Class Presentations page and in the FAQ.
    • The Presentation: You will need to submit a recording of yourself giving your Class Presentation. I recommend using YouTube (but if you prefer a different platform, that is ok too)... email me the link to your presentation so I can view it later (no large video files will be accepted, only links.)  I do not expect the quality of a Hollywood movie, but I do want to see you talking about the subject you researched in an organized and interesting manner. Try to have your presentation be about five minutes long, and I MUST see YOU presenting (not just a PowerPoint-like voice over, I want to see YOU.)
    • Here is a page with examples of Class Presentations from CH 222.
    • Here is a page showing how you can make your video on a variety of platforms (including YouTube, Zoom, etc.)
    • Your Class Presentation paper and Class Presentation video (link) will be due on Wednesday, March 5 by 11:59 PM via email.
    • The "Kinetics I - The Iodination of Acetone (online)" lab is also due on Wednesday, March 5 by 11:59 PM via email.
    • Start working on the "Kinetics II - The Iodination Of Acetone (online)" Lab (due next week Wednesday.)
    • If you have any questions, please let me know!
  • We will not be completing a quiz or problem set this week.

Here's a preview of what's happening during Week #10:

  • Explore the material in Chapter 12 and Chapter 21. There are several tools to help you learn the material.... they include:
  • Due: Problem Set #6 which covers problems from Chapter 12 and Chapter 21.
  • This Week: Quiz #6
    • Section 01 and Section H1 will take the quiz in class during recitation in AC 2501.
    • Section W1 will receive a link to the quiz via email Wednesday evening. The quiz should be emailed to the instructor.
    • Sample Quiz #6 (answers) might be helpful.
  • Start: The Kinetics II - The Iodination Of Acetone Lab.
    • Heads up: This lab has unusual due dates due to finals week!
    • Section 01 and Section H1: The "Kinetics II - The Iodination Of Acetone (in class)" Lab (bring a printed copy to lab on Wednesday.) For Section 01 and Section H1, this lab will be due during the Wednesday of Finals Week at the time of your Lecture Final.
    • Section W1: The "Kinetics II - The Iodination Of Acetone (online)" Lab. This lab is due for you on Wednesday of the tenth week. Also, make sure the graph is attached to the lab file (do not include separate files for the lab, graph, etc.) to avoid a point penalty.

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Video of the Week

A Video Introduction to the Class Presentations

A video greeting from your instructor Dr. Michael Russell

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Questions? Contact me!