CH 223: What are the differences between Chemistry 223 Section 01, Chemistry 223 Section H1 and Chemistry 223 Section W1?

Chemistry 223 is the third of three 10 week (one term) classes designed to introduce chemistry concepts to scientific, medical and engineering majors. At Mt. Hood Community College, Chemistry 223 consists of three one hour lectures per week and one four hour combined laboratory / recitation section per week... this is Chemistry 223 Section 01, a "normal" course of Chemistry 223 provided to students with extensive face to face teaching and learning.

Chemistry 223 Section H1 is a Chemistry 223 class designed for students who live considerable distance from the Mt. Hood Community College main campus or for those whose work schedule prevents them from attending the "normal" classes in the Chemistry 223 course. Taught consecutively each spring since 2013, Section H1 has only one required meeting time per week - WEDNESDAY afternoons from 1:10 PM until 5:00 PM - reducing the amount of time spent on campus from seven hours per week over four days down to four hours per week on one day.

Section H1 does not lose the academic integrity inherent to the normal Chemistry 223 course. Lectures are replaced by intensive self-study at home through web-based tutorials, textbook guides, lecture notes, and other study materials. In addition, students of Section H1 may attend the normal Chemistry 223 lectures if their schedule permits and with the permission of the instructor.

In March of 2020 COVID-19 forced Mt. Hood Community College to move exclusively to online classes, and out of this transition came Chemistry 223 Section W1. Section W1 is exclusively online - students never have to step foot on the MHCC campus! - and I have done my utmost to maintain the high learning standards already present in Section 01 and Section H1. There is a loss: students will never weigh out chemicals in the lab, and learning virtually is quite different from face to face learning; however, the medium has been successful, and we plan on offering it in the near future. (Students debate whether hearing the instructor's lame jokes during live lectures is a detriment or a benefit of taking CH 223 Section W1.... but this topic should be discussed at a different time! lol)

Whether you require the traditional lecture and lab Chemistry course or the specialized Chemistry Section H1 or Section W1 version, you will find the course to suit your needs at Mt. Hood Community College.

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