CH 223 Videos

What are Screencasts and Complete Lectures?

If absent from lecture, you may wish to watch and listen to the following screencasts (short video lectures) or complete lectures (longer but more thorough video lectures.) The daily lecture recordings are available via a podcast, YouTube and an RSS feed. Questions should always be directed to the instructor.

  • All of the CH 223 (and CH 221 and CH 222) recordings from this academic year: click here.
  • Previous recordings (from 2011 on): click here.
  • Specific Chapters: 13, 14a, 14b, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19
Chapter Screencast
13 An Introduction to Equilibrium
  Using the Equilibrium Constant
  Manipulating the Equilibrium Constant
  Understanding the Value of K (and Q)
  Using the K Value to Calculate Equilibrium Constants
  Le Chatelier's Principle
  Using the Spectronic 21 Photospectrometer (helpful in the Determination of an Equilibrium Constant lab)
  Complete Lectures for Chapter 13: Part I, Part II
14a An Introduction to Acids and Bases
  Measuring Acid and Base Concentrations / the pH Scale
  Ka, Kb and Acid/Base Strength
  Equilibrium Calculations with Weak Acids or Weak Bases
  Lewis Acids and Bases
  Complete Lectures for Chapter 14a: Part I, Part II
14b An Introduction to Titrations
  The Common Ion Effect
  The Henderson-Hasselbalch Equation
  An Introduction to Titration Calculations
  Titration Calculations: Strong Acid + Strong Base and Strong Base + Strong Acid
  Titration Calculations: Weak Acid + Strong Base and Weak Base + Strong Acid
  Using the Hot Plate and Stirrer (helpful in the Acid and Base Titrations lab)
  Complete Lectures for Chapter 14b: Part I, Part II
  Complete Lecture for the Exam I Review: link
15 An Introduction to Solubility
  Solubility and Ksp
  The Common Ion Effect and Solubility
  Separating Substances by Differences in Ksp
  Complex Ions
  Complete Lecture for Chapter 15: Link
16 Thermodynamics and Kinetics
  An Introduction to Entropy
  Entropy Calculations I
  Entropy Calculations II
  Gibbs Free Energy
  Calculations With Gibbs Free Energy
  Gibbs, Temperature and Equilibrium
  Complete Lectures for Chapter 16: Part I, Part II
17 An Introduction to Redox Reactions and Electrochemistry
  Balancing Redox Reactions in Acidic Solutions
  Balancing Redox Reactions in Basic Solutions
  Electrolytic Cells
  Electromotive Force (EMF)
  Using Electromotive Force in Electrolytic Cells
  Quantitiative Electrochemistry
  The Nernst Equation
  Complete Lectures for Chapter 17: Part I, Part II
  Complete Lecture for the Exam II Review: link
18 Complete Lecture for Chapter 18: none, see Lecture Notes
19 An Introduction to Coordination Compounds
  Nomenclature of Coordination Compounds
  Inorganic Isomerism
  Complete Lecture for Chapter 19: Link
  Complete Lecture for the Final Exam Review: link

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