Quiz of the Week - Chemistry 221 Significant Figures

Master the concepts from this week's material by trying these quiz questions which will NOT affect your grade in any way. All scoring is anonymous and known only to you, the user! If you have any questions, please contact me. Good luck!

A Quick Review of Significant Figures

0.001840 has 4 significant digits
0.00184 has 3 significant digits
2.68 has 3 significant digits
2.680 has 4 significant digits

345 has 3 significant digits
3045 has 4 significant digits
3450 is ambiguous, could be 3 or 4 significant digits
3450. has 4 significant digits (due to the explicit decimal)
3.450 x 103 has 4 significant digits (everything in scientific notation is significant)
3.45 x 103 has 3 significant digits (everything in scientific notation is significant)

2.33 + 1.5 = 3.83, round to 1 decimal place (the tenths position) = 3.8
123.1 + 3.55 = 126.65, round up by 1 at the tenths decimal place = 126.7
2.33 x 1.5 = 3.495, round to 2 significant digits = 3.5
123.1 x 3.55 = 437.005, round to 3 significant digits = 437
[2.33 + 1.5]/123.1 = 3.83/123.1 (first step gives an answer with 1 decimal place which would give 2 significant digits in the numerator, remember this but use all of the digits in the next step)
= 0.03111 (2 significant digits were divided by 4 significant digits, so round to 2 significant digits)
= 0.031

Chemistry 221 - Nomenclature

1. The number 0.00430 has how many significant figures?

2. The number 9.8020 x 10-5 has how many sigifnicant figures?

3. Express 6.3 x 3.25 in proper scientific notation.

4. Add the following numbers together and express in correct significant figures: 12 + 1.2 + 0.12 + 0.012

5. Express the following result using the correct number of significant figures: 0.002843 * 12.80184 / 0.00032

6. Use the correct number of significant figures when calculating the molar mass of sulfuric acid, H2SO4: 4 x 15.9994 + 1 x 32.066 + 2 x 1.0079

7. How many significant figures will be used in the final answer for this calculation: (10.07 + 7.395) / 2.5

8. Round the number 3456.5 to two significant figures:

9. Report the answer using correct significant figures: (1815-1806) x (9.11 x 7.92)

10. Which number has the most significant zeroes?