Quiz of the Week - Chemistry 221 Oxidation Numbers

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A Quick Review of Oxidation Numbers

Chemistry 221 - Oxidation Numbers

1. What is the oxidation number of P in H3PO4?

2. What is the oxidation number of N in NH4MnO4?

3. What is the oxidation number of Mn in NH4MnO4?

4. What is the oxidation number of C in C2H4O2?

5. What is the oxidation number of Xe in XeO42-?

6. What is the oxidation number of S in H2S?

7. What is the oxidation number of Fe in FeCl5?

8. Does the carbon in CO2 have a higher oxidation number than the carbon in C2H4?

9. Does the sulfur in H2S have a higher oxidation number than the sulfur in S8?

10. Does the sulfur in H2S have a higher oxidation number than the sulfur in H2SO4?

11. What is the oxidation number of H in CaH2?

12. What is the oxidation number of O in OF2-1?

13. What is the oxidation number of Cl in OCl-1?

14. Does the nitrogen in HNO3 have a higher oxidation number than the nitrogen in NO2?

15. What is the oxidation number of As in H2AsO4-1?