Proton Transfer Reactions

This page presents exercises in the completion of proton transfer reactions. It is critical that your answers are entered in the format shown below. Pressing "New Reaction" will display a partial proton transfer reaction with two species shown and two missing. Enter the missing species (including their charges) using the following format:
Inorganic Acids:HA + B => A- + BH+  Ex: HI + NH3 => I- + NH4+
Carboxylic Acids (end in CO2H):AH + B => A- + BH+ Ex: CH3CO2H + NH3 => CH3CO2- + NH4+
The reaction might be presented as the reverse of the above reactions; structure the answer accordingly. Subscripts or superscripts in the answer cell cannot be entered, so HNO3 would be entered as HNO3. Also make certain that the charge, if present, is the last entry. Careful with capitalization!

The first time you attempt this page, use the "Show Answer" and "Preview" buttons extensively to familiarize yourself with how to input the values, etc. When ready, press "Check Answer" and the results will appear. "Show Answer" will display the complete solution.

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