Transition Metal Nomenclature

This is a basic exercise in naming simple compounds which contain metals (use "American" names for metals.) Stock notation (i.e. a transition metal name with a Roman numeral) must be used on this page; common names such as "ferrous" are not used. Spelling matters, but capitalization does not matter.

To start, press "New Compound" to display a formula. Enter the name in the cell, breaking it into three parts and ensuring that there are parentheses around the Roman numeral. The Roman numeral should be contiguous with the metal, but your answer won't be judged incorrect if there's a break: ex- FeCl3 would be iron(III) chloride. Press "Check Answer" to see how you did. Pressing "Show Answer" will cause the correct answer to appear and you will no longer be able submit an answer for that problem.

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