Dipole Moments

This page presents exercises in identifying the direction of dipoles (if any exist). When you press "New Problem", a structure with some dipole vectors will be presented. Beneath the structure will be a series of click buttons. The vectors represent possible directions for the total nuclear dipole, not individual bond dipoles. It is also possible that the molecule will be nonpolar. The lengths of the arrows are not significant. Be certain that you understand how the arrows are oriented around the molecule before making your choice. If a dipole is missing a letter, assume it is "D". Click on the circle in front of the label for the correct vector. You only get one attempt per molecule. Given the restrictions on the assignment, after fifteen attempts (when you click for the 16th), the form will be submitted. If you get the needed 10 correct in less than 15 attempts, you may submit it at that time.
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